Welcome to Kemnal Technology College
Starting At Kemnal
New Year 7s 2024-25
We are proud to offer a carefully considered transition to our Year 7 students. Alongside the rich and varied curriculum which aims to inspire and build strong foundations, we also provide a nurturing social environment to grow our young people.
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A letter from Ofsted regarding an inspection on 4th February and asking parents to fill out an Ofsted Parent View has been emailed to all parents now. There is also a School Inspection Guide For Parents attached as well. Copies of these can also be found here: #ofstedinspection #LetterHome #allyears
Kemnal Technology College
A reminder that Browns School in Bromley is currently offering parents the opportunity to attend some parent workshops they are running, the first one being tomorrow - Tuesday 4th February. If you are interested in attending these workshops, please send an email of interest to #parentworkshops
Kemnal Technology College
A reminder below of the Year 11 January Mocks planned for Week 2, next week. All students must be in school on time (before/by 8:40 am at the latest) in their full school uniform, with all the necessary equipment needed - pen, pencil, ruler, calculator etc. #y11mocks #januarymocks
Kemnal Technology College
Our curriculum is centred around the ethos of growing hearts & inspiring minds.
We are a community of learners who share the mindset of determination and ambition. Curriculum is the DNA of the college and our mission is to inspire and grow our young Kemnal Hearts and Minds.